Monday, December 6, 2010

Coupons Coupons Coupons!!

I am entering the world of coupons! Well not so much entering...because I have been using them...rather entering the world of mastering them, I hope ;) lol

First of all, for any that have heard me rave over The Grocery Game dot IS good, and it DID save me time and money....BUT....there is a new queen of my couponing world

She has Youtube videos on her website and at Youtube itself that show you how to use her things work etc...and ...the best part?? IT'S ALL FREE!!! Oh heard me right...all of it!! All the stores...FREE! I was paying $8 every 6 weeks just for Kroger...and it was another $5 for each additional store. Had I *any* idea I would have never! Now I know better though...and I want you to all know as well!!

So last night...while reading her site and while clicking some of the links in her site to other couponing Queens...I found a post of Zhu Zhu pets and massive savings. I had NO idea what a Zhu Zhu pet was, neither did my girls (we don't get out much, but we're ok with that ;) ), but I had heard of them, and heard they were an "it" toy this I read on. According to this site, with a coupon that was FREE online to print (just google ZhuZhu Pet b2g1 coupon it's thru the cvs website) and their current sale I could get Zhu Zhu pets 85% off.

I had to try it. I needed a few more stocking stuffers...and I have no problem leaving things at a register if they don't work out the way I had what did I have to lose right? I printed out two of the coupons (you will need seperate email addresses) and headed to the store. I had to go searching...there were only 9 Zhu Zhu pets left (lesson learned..GO EARLY to get the great deals!). I bought 6 of them. Each one is regularly $9.98. I bought 6 and between their B1G1 sale this week and those two coupons I got 6 Zhu Zhu pets for $10.37 including tax. Absolutely AMAZING!! :-D 85% off...of one of the "it" toys for Christmas!! At CVS!! Who would have ever thunk it?? LOL

So I'll be doing alot more couponing :) I'm debating the best way to get my coupons..I'm thinking of just getting 5 or 6 Sunday editions of the Newspaper delivered. I'm also looking at buying them online...but that is the next post ;)

Dia Duit my friends...and happy savings! If you get the Zhu Zhu pet deal let me know :-D

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