Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh, How I have Slacked!

Dia Duit, dear ones :o)

I'm been MIA for quite some time now haven't I? I'm sorry about that...tis life I suppose...and it was a season of me having to learn a lesson. Things have slid downhill rather rapidly around here. Isn't it always amazing how hard we have to work to get things back in order and how quickly it all comes undone?? I have been learning what perseverence means...and the story of the Tortise and the Hare has been playing in the back of my mind alot. That and the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. Between the two of them it's been a jungle!! lol

The house has fallen into an untidy state. Flylady...Flylady...oh where have you been?? Well truth be told she's been right where she always was...right in my inbox leaving me encouraging emails each morning. She has done what she could...I deleted her without even opening. Today though I will ask her to forgive me...and I will humbly accept her help in getting out of this C.H.A.O.S. Things have not gotten as bad as they were before I found her...which is encouraging...and I'm finding it MUCH easier to declutter and get rid of things...but there is still much to do.

The realization that I must train these young ladies while they are young if I don't want them to struggle with these same things has been coming to mind more often. Sometimes it's easier to make a whole bunch of adjustments at once. I know most say just take baby steps and a little bite at a time...but sometimes I really think it's easier to just rip off a big ol hunk and do it all at once. When taking just little steps it seems easier to slip back into the old habits because nothing else has really changed. So a big hunk of change is getting ready to happen here...I think it'll be rough at first...but that we'll quickly get the hang of it and in the long run it will be easier than the never ending changes. More on this in another post :o)

I've been preparing for alot of potential changes in the way we live. Most of them are politically motivated. Quite frankly I don't think our country is going to be able to keep treading water as it has been lately...I think we're going to have some hard times coming soon...and it's my job to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be. I'm fully confident that God will provide, that He will never leave us or forsake us...but I also think He expects us to use the common sense that He has given us. A friend posted a quote on her Facebook page not long ago and it has really made a lasting impression on me. I'm sorry I don't remember who said it...but it was "There will come a time when winter asks what you did all summer." We do know that winter is coming...what are we doing this summer...and I dare say I think it might be fall now.

During my absence I've had alot going on...My Daddy came to visit for several days. The princesses and I went to visit my Daddy at the beach. I went to visit my sister for a wonderful Celtic Thunder concert. We've had alot of extra chores around here preparing for winter. I've learned to knit. There's just been "lots"...I'm sure you all know how that goes ;)

So I'm back to Simply Living Simply :o) Not that I ever left it...but rather rededicating myself to it's pursuit. Posts will be much more frequent now...and if you find what you read helpful in some way I hope you will share with friends and family who might also gain some sort of insight or encouragement from it. If there is an area of particular interest to you please send me a message...I'll be happy to share my thoughts/ideas/opinions/habits on it if I'm at all able!

Dia Duit, dear ones!

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