Dia Duit my friends :o)
Today is Saturday...one of my favorite days of the week because it is date night with my darling :o) I'm so thankful for my oldest who is able and willing to watch the younger girls so that we can go out. It makes all the difference in the world for me to get a little break. I LOVE my girls...I wouldn't trade them, and homeschooling them, for the world...but a few hours with just my darling each week is a much needed break and time to recharge. I'm not sure where we're going tonight...going to see which restaurants have coupons, but it doesn't really matter either!
Today also marks one week that I have been Flying with FlyLady :o) I must say it's been a remarkable week! There is a long way to go before I'm completely out of CHAOS, but we made a significant dent in it this week!! The momentum is going and I'm feeling really good about things. Let me list a few of our accomplishments this week...and I say our because my girls DO help and have been pretty good about keeping up what I've done ;o)
The sink has shined for one week straight!! I'm not sure I can say that's ever happened before. My oldest still thinks drying out the sink is silly, but that's ok...she'll get it someday.
The shine has taken over both sides of the counter next to the sink!! They're completely cleaned off, wiped down, decluttered...nice open counters :o)
The shine jumped over to the other counters and stove...they're all shining now as well :o) I bought new drip pans...such an exciting thing! They now have porcelain covered drip pans for electric stoves...I did a little happy dance right there in the aisle ;o) LOL My Grammie always had a gas stove and I liked the porcelain covered burners so much better...they clean up so much better! I also bought new burner covers for the stove. They have roosters on them. I have fought the rooster urge for a long time, but everytime I buy something or see something I like it has some sort of roosterish thing going on...I think I'm going to finally stop fighting it and just enjoy the things that make me smile and keep my happy...even if they are large obnoxious birds LOL
The walls in my kitchen were all washed, along with the range hood.
The pantry and backdoor area have been decluttered and cleaned up and out. It's looking much better there. I still need a better system in place...and I'm thinking about what that would have to be to really work for me.
The laundry room has had a good size dent put in it. The laundry is just about caught up. There is still ALOT of work to do in there...alot of stuff just needs to be released...15 minutes at a time!!
The main bathroom is cleaner and less cluttered. Still got a ways to go in there...but I will rejoice in the progress that was made! I have more plans for the bathrooms in the coming weeks. I need to find crocks for the toilet brushes and I want to find some sort of container to keep cleaning wipes in to make the swish and swipe easier and more convenient. I took 5 minutes today and started working on decluttering all the makeup and hair stuff that I have.
The shower in my room was scrubbed today. These are the little things that FlyLady says that just make all the sense in the world...but I never thought of it. What she says is to scrub the shower/tub for just two minutes while the conditioner is settin on your hair. I felt so silly when I looked down and realized I had had a scrubbie sponge in there all this time and had never thought of that. So today while my hair was being conditioned I got the entire shower stall scrubbed including the floor. When I was done I just threw the sponge on the floor and scrubbed with my feet while rinsing the conditioner out. Nice and clean...and DONE! Genius!!
The livingroom is much nicer. We got rid of a few bags of clutter...some trash and some went to Goodwill. The Hot Spot ontop of the shelf is gone :o) The ceiling fan is dusted and smiling at me along with the rest of the room. The room is now no more than a 5 minute room rescue from company ready :o)
My Ebay stuff is cleaned up, organized, and stacked neatly in new totes. I took one of our little milk crate type totes and put all my Ebay business stuff in it. All the envelopes, bags, scales etc...all nice and neat :)
I have been up and dressed all but the one day. I have not laid my clothes out physically...but I have thought "what will I wear tomorrow?" decide, and then make sure it's clean and hanging ready.
So I'm thinking that has been a very productive first week :) I'm excited about what has been done, and what I anticipate being done this coming week! I'm still working on trying to figure out the schedule some. I have my most basic routines...but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing inbetween yet.
I'm off to get ready for my big date :-D I am so incredibly blessed!!
Dia Duit!!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
FlyLady Adventures Day 5 & 6
Dia Duit my friends :o)
I thought I would update you on my Flying adventures. I'm amazed...my sink is STILL shining!! And that shining is spreading!! My counters are now perfectly clean and clear. My canisters are shining. The shining even took a leap over to the other bit of counter top with the toaster. The shining is flickering onto the stove...it hasn't exactly come to rest there permanently...but it's getting brighter and brighter by the day :o)
With the exception of the other day I have been up and dressed each day bright and early. I can't honestly say I have shoes on all the time...but about half.
I have yet to make my post it's with the scripture. I got sidetracked today making cards for some very very special people :o) It didn't get my post it's done, but it made me very happy...I figure that counts!
I've heard a few negative things...but most of them have come from my children :? LOL Especially the oldest who thinks I may have lost my mind a little. I'm not sure I can argue with her...but now I'm trying to get it back! And I've had a few thoughts...especially in the laundry room...where I've caught myself saying "this is never going to end..." But it will...if I have to throw everything out it will end!! One basket at a time, one load of clothes that goes to Goodwill at a time.
It's funny...I was talking to a woman at church last night and we were discussing dehydrating. She made a comment about how her Grannie and mom knew how to do certain things, but they never taught her. I wonder just how much we've lost each generation?? It renewed my desire to get this not only for myself...but to have my daughters learn along side of me and so that I can teach it to them, so their lives may be easier someday down the road. The things kids learn thru osmosis seem to be the things you wish they hadn't...but we have to purpose to teach them the things they need to know, it doesn't happen by accident.
So Day 5 was those negative voices...recognising them and replacing them with loving and positive thoughts. I suspect that is easier for me because I'm such a "glass half full" person anyway....but it's also a choice. It's taking each thought captive and rejecting what is not good and pure and lovely, it's being kind to our self.
Day 6 is Hot Spots. Boy do I have them...just about every flat...or semi flat...surface in the house turns into a Hot Spot. It's the place where things just pile up. Where things are thrown down and collect. Most of mine are the flat places at 4 feet or higher...where the baby can't get to them! ;o) Tops of shelves, top of the pie safe, top of the butcher block. Today we were to spend just two minutes putting out a Hot Spot. The point is to tackle these places often...but for short periods of time. I did get one Hot Spot cleared off, and that is on top of our homeschooling bookshelf in the living room. So now when I receive a Hot Spot fire drill via Twitter I'll check that one first and make sure it stays out...then move on to the next one...my end table back in the corner...where the baby can't get LOL
There are MANY MANY things I will miss when my last baby is no longer a baby...but there are a few I will not miss too ;o) LOL I wouldn't change it for the world though!!
Today I was especially proud of us because it was shop shop day. We got up and out of the house much earlier than we would normally do. Three bags were dropped off to Goodwill...what a wonderful way to start the day...releasing things!! Then we went to Big Lots and picked up two new Lampers. The girls got the biggest kicks out of that...that's exactly what the sticker said...Lamper...part hamper and part laundry basket LOL And someone got paid for that bit of marketing genius...stunning isn't it?? Two of my baskets had cracks in the bottom...so those are being filled with things to release and will go to Goodwill or the dump depending on what ends up filling them. We also got a couple little hooks that hang over a cabinet door for the dish towels. I'm hoping by having those easily accessible the paper towel usage will be cut back significantly ;o)
Shop shop itself went well. I came in UNDER budget and even got a few things free with the sales and my coupons :o) I bought $12 worth of deodorants for 99 cents...that was fun!
Almost forgot to put breakfast in the crockpot!! I'll take pictures in the morning, we're trying something new...It's a recipe I found here http://http//crockpot365.blogspot.com/2008/03/dulce-de-leche-crockpot-recipe.html We bought some apples today and that's the plan for tomorrow. I'm thinking the girls will enjoy it...if it turns out.
Dia Duit :o)
I thought I would update you on my Flying adventures. I'm amazed...my sink is STILL shining!! And that shining is spreading!! My counters are now perfectly clean and clear. My canisters are shining. The shining even took a leap over to the other bit of counter top with the toaster. The shining is flickering onto the stove...it hasn't exactly come to rest there permanently...but it's getting brighter and brighter by the day :o)
With the exception of the other day I have been up and dressed each day bright and early. I can't honestly say I have shoes on all the time...but about half.
I have yet to make my post it's with the scripture. I got sidetracked today making cards for some very very special people :o) It didn't get my post it's done, but it made me very happy...I figure that counts!
I've heard a few negative things...but most of them have come from my children :? LOL Especially the oldest who thinks I may have lost my mind a little. I'm not sure I can argue with her...but now I'm trying to get it back! And I've had a few thoughts...especially in the laundry room...where I've caught myself saying "this is never going to end..." But it will...if I have to throw everything out it will end!! One basket at a time, one load of clothes that goes to Goodwill at a time.
It's funny...I was talking to a woman at church last night and we were discussing dehydrating. She made a comment about how her Grannie and mom knew how to do certain things, but they never taught her. I wonder just how much we've lost each generation?? It renewed my desire to get this not only for myself...but to have my daughters learn along side of me and so that I can teach it to them, so their lives may be easier someday down the road. The things kids learn thru osmosis seem to be the things you wish they hadn't...but we have to purpose to teach them the things they need to know, it doesn't happen by accident.
So Day 5 was those negative voices...recognising them and replacing them with loving and positive thoughts. I suspect that is easier for me because I'm such a "glass half full" person anyway....but it's also a choice. It's taking each thought captive and rejecting what is not good and pure and lovely, it's being kind to our self.
Day 6 is Hot Spots. Boy do I have them...just about every flat...or semi flat...surface in the house turns into a Hot Spot. It's the place where things just pile up. Where things are thrown down and collect. Most of mine are the flat places at 4 feet or higher...where the baby can't get to them! ;o) Tops of shelves, top of the pie safe, top of the butcher block. Today we were to spend just two minutes putting out a Hot Spot. The point is to tackle these places often...but for short periods of time. I did get one Hot Spot cleared off, and that is on top of our homeschooling bookshelf in the living room. So now when I receive a Hot Spot fire drill via Twitter I'll check that one first and make sure it stays out...then move on to the next one...my end table back in the corner...where the baby can't get LOL
There are MANY MANY things I will miss when my last baby is no longer a baby...but there are a few I will not miss too ;o) LOL I wouldn't change it for the world though!!
Today I was especially proud of us because it was shop shop day. We got up and out of the house much earlier than we would normally do. Three bags were dropped off to Goodwill...what a wonderful way to start the day...releasing things!! Then we went to Big Lots and picked up two new Lampers. The girls got the biggest kicks out of that...that's exactly what the sticker said...Lamper...part hamper and part laundry basket LOL And someone got paid for that bit of marketing genius...stunning isn't it?? Two of my baskets had cracks in the bottom...so those are being filled with things to release and will go to Goodwill or the dump depending on what ends up filling them. We also got a couple little hooks that hang over a cabinet door for the dish towels. I'm hoping by having those easily accessible the paper towel usage will be cut back significantly ;o)
Shop shop itself went well. I came in UNDER budget and even got a few things free with the sales and my coupons :o) I bought $12 worth of deodorants for 99 cents...that was fun!
Almost forgot to put breakfast in the crockpot!! I'll take pictures in the morning, we're trying something new...It's a recipe I found here http://http//crockpot365.blogspot.com/2008/03/dulce-de-leche-crockpot-recipe.html We bought some apples today and that's the plan for tomorrow. I'm thinking the girls will enjoy it...if it turns out.
Dia Duit :o)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
FlyLady Adventures Day 4
Dia Duit!! :o)
If I had to grade myself on my FlyLadyness today I suppose it would be about a B-. My sink is STILL shining...and I can't tell you how happy that makes me!! I am not dressed to shoes though. Can I justify it by saying I'm doing laundry and that way all my clothes will be clean?? And I did go to the other website and read the two inspirational testimonies for today :o) I appreciate that they're uplifting and encouraging...but also short.
On Day 4 we are supposed to put Stickies/Post-its on our bathroom mirror and above our kitchen sink. It doesn't say what these are supposed to say though...and quite honestly I think I may skip this step as she intended it and make it work for me. In both places I will put a scripture that reminds me of my God given calling. Proverbs 31 will be used for both of them I'm sure ;o)
FlyLady takes the house and breaks it into zones, then she concentrates on one zone a week ontop of our regular things...this way everything gets done every few weeks, and if you missed it then it'll get done in a few weeks again. This week we are in Zone 5...which is the Living Room/Family Room. I missed yesterdays tasks because I had to take my beloved for his root canal, and then I had to come home and work all day on getting my Ebay business back up and running.
Today I will complete both tasks. Monday we were to take the timer and set it for 15 minutes and then get rid of as much stuff as we can that doesn't belong in these rooms. Stuff that has been shoved in a corner, on the floor etc. This is NOT a deep clean...just 15 minutes of surface decluttering. I can do that :o) Today's task is to set the timer then for 5 minutes and do a detailed dusting in the living room. I can tell you that my ceiling fan is in desperate need. I have a few other knick knacks that need to be done too.
I'm appreciating the FlyLady method more this time. I suppose it may be because I have so much going on that I don't have enough time to think about things this time. I'm not debating "will it work, should I do more, this doesn't make sense, what's the point..." etc. I just want to get it done and move on!
One of the things she often says in regards to the status of our house is there is hope for those of us in CHAOS..Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. I'd REALLY like to get out of CHAOS!!
And just to add humor to my day Princess number 3 just came in and got a wipey...she has peanut butter and jelly in her armpit. LOL I don't know how...I don't wanna know how...I'm just going to be thankful for the comic relief...and make her clean up the mess ;o) LOL
Dia Duit my friends!
If I had to grade myself on my FlyLadyness today I suppose it would be about a B-. My sink is STILL shining...and I can't tell you how happy that makes me!! I am not dressed to shoes though. Can I justify it by saying I'm doing laundry and that way all my clothes will be clean?? And I did go to the other website and read the two inspirational testimonies for today :o) I appreciate that they're uplifting and encouraging...but also short.
On Day 4 we are supposed to put Stickies/Post-its on our bathroom mirror and above our kitchen sink. It doesn't say what these are supposed to say though...and quite honestly I think I may skip this step as she intended it and make it work for me. In both places I will put a scripture that reminds me of my God given calling. Proverbs 31 will be used for both of them I'm sure ;o)
FlyLady takes the house and breaks it into zones, then she concentrates on one zone a week ontop of our regular things...this way everything gets done every few weeks, and if you missed it then it'll get done in a few weeks again. This week we are in Zone 5...which is the Living Room/Family Room. I missed yesterdays tasks because I had to take my beloved for his root canal, and then I had to come home and work all day on getting my Ebay business back up and running.
Today I will complete both tasks. Monday we were to take the timer and set it for 15 minutes and then get rid of as much stuff as we can that doesn't belong in these rooms. Stuff that has been shoved in a corner, on the floor etc. This is NOT a deep clean...just 15 minutes of surface decluttering. I can do that :o) Today's task is to set the timer then for 5 minutes and do a detailed dusting in the living room. I can tell you that my ceiling fan is in desperate need. I have a few other knick knacks that need to be done too.
I'm appreciating the FlyLady method more this time. I suppose it may be because I have so much going on that I don't have enough time to think about things this time. I'm not debating "will it work, should I do more, this doesn't make sense, what's the point..." etc. I just want to get it done and move on!
One of the things she often says in regards to the status of our house is there is hope for those of us in CHAOS..Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. I'd REALLY like to get out of CHAOS!!
And just to add humor to my day Princess number 3 just came in and got a wipey...she has peanut butter and jelly in her armpit. LOL I don't know how...I don't wanna know how...I'm just going to be thankful for the comic relief...and make her clean up the mess ;o) LOL
Dia Duit my friends!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
FlyLady Adventures Day 3
Today is day three in my FlyLady Adventures and So Far So Good!! :o)
My sink is still shining!!! It has ONE crockpot soakin in it...and that's it!
I was up and dressed to shoes again...but it only half counts since I had to get up and go to church anyway.
And Day three included going to her website on Bigtent and reading the news there. It is a forum type website and is a way to connect to others and be encouraged and supported. I read several testimonies...it is very encouraging to read short stories by others who have walked this same road and have come out to the other side succeeding at what it is they had hoped to obtain...Control over Chaos!
Tomorrow I will tackle Day 4...right after taking my beloved for a root canal. Not exactly fun...but needed...and it will feel better afterwards...much like shining my sink.
My sink is still shining!!! It has ONE crockpot soakin in it...and that's it!
I was up and dressed to shoes again...but it only half counts since I had to get up and go to church anyway.
And Day three included going to her website on Bigtent and reading the news there. It is a forum type website and is a way to connect to others and be encouraged and supported. I read several testimonies...it is very encouraging to read short stories by others who have walked this same road and have come out to the other side succeeding at what it is they had hoped to obtain...Control over Chaos!
Tomorrow I will tackle Day 4...right after taking my beloved for a root canal. Not exactly fun...but needed...and it will feel better afterwards...much like shining my sink.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Dehydrating- A New Old Favorite

I didn't have alot of money to start with (which is nothing new)...so I headed to Walmart and bought the one and only dehydrator they had. DO NOT DO THAT!!! It's a waste of money!! The dehydrator the woman uses in the videos is an Excalibur. They're a bit expensive...I'm not going to lie to you...but you CAN save while getting one. If you go to their website here http://http//www.excaliburdehydrator.com/3900-R-Excalibur-with-10-Year-Warranty-184-37-regular-prod.htm You will see the one that I bought. Yes it's refurbished...but it also has a TEN YEAR warrenty and is $100 cheaper!! I saved pennies for a bit and cut back on my grocery budget till I could afford it. It's one of the best purchases I ever made! The difference between this and the el cheapo at Walmart is night and day!!
I thought I'd show you what I dehydrated so far this week. Kroger has their frozen veggies on sale for 88 cents a bag...so time to stock up.

This is my meat slicer...which cuts a whole lot more than meat...more on this in another blog another day. I made chicken chow mein in the crockpot last week and needed celery. We don't eat a great deal of celery unless it's cooked into something. I bought two bunches of celery that week at the store and then sliced up what I didn't need to dehydrate. This is how I save money!!! No wasting food or having things go bad in the fridge...well not as much anyway ;o) lol.
In this picture, in the jar on the very left you will see both bunches of celery dehydrated. The small jar in front has two bags of frozen cauliflower. The jar behind that has FIVE bags of frozen peas and carrots in it. My big jar is a little empty right now...I need to get more corn dehydrated...but that is still at least three bags of it. In the jar laying down is two bags of brocolli and cauliflower mix. In the jar to the right of the corn you will see FIVE bags of french style greenbeans. On the very right is one bag of crinkle cut carrots. The ziploc bag in front is dehydrated cabbage...just waiting for soups and stews this winter. That also was a savings...I had made stuffed cabbage and that was some of the left over cabbage.
What do I do with all these weird dried up foods? Well most of them I stick in the crockpot :o) Let me show you...
This is what I start with...this is a 2 quart crockpot that I got on sale Black Friday at Walmart...I need a few more!

This is two cups of regular cut green beans. To this I add 5 cups of water. After one hour of cooking this is what it looks like...

Still a little funny looking...but after four hours on high this is what's for dinner...

Amazing isn't it??? It still excites me every time to see it come back to life! lol I have not rehydrated anything that wasn't as good as what it would have been had I made it fresh...or frozen as the case may be. I plan on doing quite a few blogs about my dehydrating adventures. There are SO many possitives to it that I can't help but share. The dehdrated foods take up sooooooo much less space. They can be stored anywhere, leaving room in my freezer for meats I buy when they're on sale. They last must longer...frozen foods last about one year...these same frozen foods that are now dehydrated can now last years!! And it doesn't cost me anything to store these for all those years!! It's a win win win win win in every way :o) Certainly one of the best things that has changed my life for the better in the kitchen!
Dia Duit
I suppose I should have explained the name in my first post...but I forgot. Dia Duit, it's Irish and is pronounced DEE A GWIT. The litteral translation is "God to you" or as we'd say "God be with you."
That is my prayer for each of you. Even though it's only used as a greeting in Ireland, I'll be using it as hello and goodbye. So my dear friends...
Dia Duit!
That is my prayer for each of you. Even though it's only used as a greeting in Ireland, I'll be using it as hello and goodbye. So my dear friends...
Dia Duit!
My First Adventure
If I'm honest I would have to tell you that my house is my biggest challenge. It is a constant visual reminder of just how much I'm NOT ontop of everything.
I've made certain choices in life...and I believe the right choices. I have decided and purposed in my life that my girls will always come before a clean house. There may be messes and clutter...but if one of my girls wants to climb up in my lap and cuddle there is no way I'm going to tell her I'm too busy or to wait. I have purposed in my life that my husband will come before a clean house. If after working all night to provide for us he wants to sit down for an hour or even two in the morning (my most productive time) and talk with me and just spend time with me...I'm not going to tell him I'm too busy!
I had the great privelage of meeting a woman thru the WWW who made one of the most profound statements that has ever impacted my life. She's gone home to Glory now...but I think of her often and thank God for her. What she said...in a quick little statement that was probably missed by most, was "It all burns." It all Burns...every bit of it. There is nothing in this world more important than my family...everything else can and will burn. Someone else also said "There are only three things that are eternal: God, the Word of God, and the souls of men." Very true indeed!
So as I start my adventure to get things cleaned up around here I must keep it in balance. I'd rather be a mess and have a family that is truely happy and loves each other than a clean house filled with people who are distant and have no connection to each other. On the other hand...I'd REALLY like to have both...a happy family who loves one another AND a clean house :o) I may swing back and forth on the pendulum as I try to figure it out...but I'm hoping the swings will be small and that we'll settle down in the middle before too long.
To help me on my adventure I've decided to look up FlyLady again. I had heard of her years ago...tried it for a bit, and then things ended up back like they were. I obviously wasn't ready. I'm sure I had good excuses too. But the fact is I need someone to hold my hand at this point. I don't have the time or energy to re-invent the wheel. I want something that will work, that I can fit into my life, and that will help me train my girls so that they never have to go thru what I am going thru.
The website is http://www.flylady.net/ I encourage you to go and check her out...it's amazing how well she knows me and how my house is without ever having been here. It's completely free...you don't have to buy a thing. God has certainly blessed this woman.

The first step is to shine your sink. She must know how I HATE the sink...I could do without the whole kitchen honestly. But it is what it is...and sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. So I shined my sink...well as shiney as it would get anyway. I've got to say...there IS a sense of pride and satisfaction. It was lovely to wake up this morning to a clean sink. Please excuse the poor picture quality...I took it with my cell phone for speed...I'll grab the camera next time.
So Day 1 is done...on to Day 2. Getting dressed to shoes. I'm not much fonder of this step...I'd like to just hang out in my comfy clothes and bare feet. But I'll suck it up...I'll do it...I'll trust in the process. It helps that I have to leave ;o) I'm on my way to pick up a shelving unit that we will be redoing...another adventure for another blog!!
I've made certain choices in life...and I believe the right choices. I have decided and purposed in my life that my girls will always come before a clean house. There may be messes and clutter...but if one of my girls wants to climb up in my lap and cuddle there is no way I'm going to tell her I'm too busy or to wait. I have purposed in my life that my husband will come before a clean house. If after working all night to provide for us he wants to sit down for an hour or even two in the morning (my most productive time) and talk with me and just spend time with me...I'm not going to tell him I'm too busy!
I had the great privelage of meeting a woman thru the WWW who made one of the most profound statements that has ever impacted my life. She's gone home to Glory now...but I think of her often and thank God for her. What she said...in a quick little statement that was probably missed by most, was "It all burns." It all Burns...every bit of it. There is nothing in this world more important than my family...everything else can and will burn. Someone else also said "There are only three things that are eternal: God, the Word of God, and the souls of men." Very true indeed!
So as I start my adventure to get things cleaned up around here I must keep it in balance. I'd rather be a mess and have a family that is truely happy and loves each other than a clean house filled with people who are distant and have no connection to each other. On the other hand...I'd REALLY like to have both...a happy family who loves one another AND a clean house :o) I may swing back and forth on the pendulum as I try to figure it out...but I'm hoping the swings will be small and that we'll settle down in the middle before too long.
To help me on my adventure I've decided to look up FlyLady again. I had heard of her years ago...tried it for a bit, and then things ended up back like they were. I obviously wasn't ready. I'm sure I had good excuses too. But the fact is I need someone to hold my hand at this point. I don't have the time or energy to re-invent the wheel. I want something that will work, that I can fit into my life, and that will help me train my girls so that they never have to go thru what I am going thru.
The website is http://www.flylady.net/ I encourage you to go and check her out...it's amazing how well she knows me and how my house is without ever having been here. It's completely free...you don't have to buy a thing. God has certainly blessed this woman.

The first step is to shine your sink. She must know how I HATE the sink...I could do without the whole kitchen honestly. But it is what it is...and sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. So I shined my sink...well as shiney as it would get anyway. I've got to say...there IS a sense of pride and satisfaction. It was lovely to wake up this morning to a clean sink. Please excuse the poor picture quality...I took it with my cell phone for speed...I'll grab the camera next time.
So Day 1 is done...on to Day 2. Getting dressed to shoes. I'm not much fonder of this step...I'd like to just hang out in my comfy clothes and bare feet. But I'll suck it up...I'll do it...I'll trust in the process. It helps that I have to leave ;o) I'm on my way to pick up a shelving unit that we will be redoing...another adventure for another blog!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
And So It Begins
I've been contemplating a Blog for awhile now. I have no grand plans for this Blog...what I do plan to do is just share. I will share my crafting adventures, my dehydrating and kitchen adventures, my thoughts on things that matter...and probably some that don't ;) And I will bring you along with me as I try my best to Simply Live Simply.
There are many thoughts I think...which may surprise some...but one of my most often thoughts is about getting back to basics. It seems to be a resounding theme with almost all the women I speak to. We all seem to be feeling overwhelmed, out of time, and floundering around. We're rushing around just trying to get everything done...trying to keep our heads above water. Our lives have become more and more complicated. What we long for is the "Good ol Days"
Jeremiah 6:16
The Lord said: "My people, when you stood at the crossroads, I told you, " Follow the road your ancestors took, and you will find peace."
Most who know me, know that I'm a very litteral person. Black is black, white is white...and I've never really been fond of gray. The only thing I believe without any doubt...with no hesitation or reserve...is my Bible. I don't believe or trust any other thing or person on this earth...everything else is filled with sin and error...some more than others, but all of it none the less. If my Bible says the earth was created in six days and on the seventh...then that's what I believe. If it says the whole earth was covered in a flood...then I don't think it was a local one.
And when I read "Follow the road your ancestors too, and you will find peace" well, I'm going to look for that road! I don't think the good ol days were all that good to tell you the truth. They didn't have cell phones to start...my mothering heart couldn't handle letting my children go without being able to get ahold of them at any given moment. They didn't have all the wonderful servants we do today...they had to wash all the dishes by hand...bleck! They didn't have the WWW where we can gain the wisdom and guidance of the smartest people in the world.
But what they did have was less...less of everything. Less food and food choices, which may not be such a bad thing for some of us. ;) Less distractions...no internet, tv, cellphones, blogs. Less outside commitments...they didn't have six kids in twelves sports, 5 different moms groups, 7 Bible studies, and a book club to fit in each month. Less STUFF...they had less money, and less stuff naturally flowed from that. Less pressure...they weren't barraged with marketting geniuses telling them what they needed to be happy, and not only them but their children as well! They had less of alot of things...and it would be easy to see where we wouldn't want to go back to that.
But they had more as well...more of what is important. They had more dinners where the whole family was around the table. More traditions that brought the family together. More ideas on ways to save and be frugal...because it was a neccesity, not because it was the newest trend. More time in church...God was real and their faith was important. More morals...even those who don't believe had more of an understanding of right and wrong. And they seemed to have more time...time to rest, relax, and enjoy the blessings we've been given.
It's not easy to blend the two worlds sometimes...but I'm determined that it can be done! And this is my attempt to bring you along as I do that. My initial thought was "I wish there was a way I could teach my girls the things that I have learned."
I think one other thing is important for us to listen as well though...and that's Ecclesiastes 7:10 which says "Don't long for the 'good ol days', for you don't know whether they were any better than today." Now I know that seems to go against what the other scripture says...but in truth it doesn't. The point we need to realize is that we can never go back in time. We will never live in Mayberry, we will never be back to the days when the family would gather around the radio on Saturday night (cause it was the only option they had), we will never go back to horse and buggies...well, maybe I shouldn't go quite that far ;) LOL If oil prices go too high we may very well!
The point is that while we're looking for the ancient ways to walk in them...to find REST for our souls...and isn't that what we're all longing for, is just rest...we are to do it while still moving forward. We've lost our way...but we're not going to go back and backtrack over all the mistakes we already made...we're going to keep going...making three lefts and then a right till we get back on track :)
There are many thoughts I think...which may surprise some...but one of my most often thoughts is about getting back to basics. It seems to be a resounding theme with almost all the women I speak to. We all seem to be feeling overwhelmed, out of time, and floundering around. We're rushing around just trying to get everything done...trying to keep our heads above water. Our lives have become more and more complicated. What we long for is the "Good ol Days"
Jeremiah 6:16
The Lord said: "My people, when you stood at the crossroads, I told you, " Follow the road your ancestors took, and you will find peace."
Most who know me, know that I'm a very litteral person. Black is black, white is white...and I've never really been fond of gray. The only thing I believe without any doubt...with no hesitation or reserve...is my Bible. I don't believe or trust any other thing or person on this earth...everything else is filled with sin and error...some more than others, but all of it none the less. If my Bible says the earth was created in six days and on the seventh...then that's what I believe. If it says the whole earth was covered in a flood...then I don't think it was a local one.
And when I read "Follow the road your ancestors too, and you will find peace" well, I'm going to look for that road! I don't think the good ol days were all that good to tell you the truth. They didn't have cell phones to start...my mothering heart couldn't handle letting my children go without being able to get ahold of them at any given moment. They didn't have all the wonderful servants we do today...they had to wash all the dishes by hand...bleck! They didn't have the WWW where we can gain the wisdom and guidance of the smartest people in the world.
But what they did have was less...less of everything. Less food and food choices, which may not be such a bad thing for some of us. ;) Less distractions...no internet, tv, cellphones, blogs. Less outside commitments...they didn't have six kids in twelves sports, 5 different moms groups, 7 Bible studies, and a book club to fit in each month. Less STUFF...they had less money, and less stuff naturally flowed from that. Less pressure...they weren't barraged with marketting geniuses telling them what they needed to be happy, and not only them but their children as well! They had less of alot of things...and it would be easy to see where we wouldn't want to go back to that.
But they had more as well...more of what is important. They had more dinners where the whole family was around the table. More traditions that brought the family together. More ideas on ways to save and be frugal...because it was a neccesity, not because it was the newest trend. More time in church...God was real and their faith was important. More morals...even those who don't believe had more of an understanding of right and wrong. And they seemed to have more time...time to rest, relax, and enjoy the blessings we've been given.
It's not easy to blend the two worlds sometimes...but I'm determined that it can be done! And this is my attempt to bring you along as I do that. My initial thought was "I wish there was a way I could teach my girls the things that I have learned."
I think one other thing is important for us to listen as well though...and that's Ecclesiastes 7:10 which says "Don't long for the 'good ol days', for you don't know whether they were any better than today." Now I know that seems to go against what the other scripture says...but in truth it doesn't. The point we need to realize is that we can never go back in time. We will never live in Mayberry, we will never be back to the days when the family would gather around the radio on Saturday night (cause it was the only option they had), we will never go back to horse and buggies...well, maybe I shouldn't go quite that far ;) LOL If oil prices go too high we may very well!
The point is that while we're looking for the ancient ways to walk in them...to find REST for our souls...and isn't that what we're all longing for, is just rest...we are to do it while still moving forward. We've lost our way...but we're not going to go back and backtrack over all the mistakes we already made...we're going to keep going...making three lefts and then a right till we get back on track :)
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