Thursday, July 29, 2010

FlyLady Adventures Day 5 & 6

Dia Duit my friends :o)

I thought I would update you on my Flying adventures. I'm sink is STILL shining!! And that shining is spreading!! My counters are now perfectly clean and clear. My canisters are shining. The shining even took a leap over to the other bit of counter top with the toaster. The shining is flickering onto the hasn't exactly come to rest there permanently...but it's getting brighter and brighter by the day :o)

With the exception of the other day I have been up and dressed each day bright and early. I can't honestly say I have shoes on all the time...but about half.

I have yet to make my post it's with the scripture. I got sidetracked today making cards for some very very special people :o) It didn't get my post it's done, but it made me very happy...I figure that counts!

I've heard a few negative things...but most of them have come from my children :? LOL Especially the oldest who thinks I may have lost my mind a little. I'm not sure I can argue with her...but now I'm trying to get it back! And I've had a few thoughts...especially in the laundry room...where I've caught myself saying "this is never going to end..." But it will...if I have to throw everything out it will end!! One basket at a time, one load of clothes that goes to Goodwill at a time.

It's funny...I was talking to a woman at church last night and we were discussing dehydrating. She made a comment about how her Grannie and mom knew how to do certain things, but they never taught her. I wonder just how much we've lost each generation?? It renewed my desire to get this not only for myself...but to have my daughters learn along side of me and so that I can teach it to them, so their lives may be easier someday down the road. The things kids learn thru osmosis seem to be the things you wish they hadn't...but we have to purpose to teach them the things they need to know, it doesn't happen by accident.

So Day 5 was those negative voices...recognising them and replacing them with loving and positive thoughts. I suspect that is easier for me because I'm such a "glass half full" person anyway....but it's also a choice. It's taking each thought captive and rejecting what is not good and pure and lovely, it's being kind to our self.

Day 6 is Hot Spots. Boy do I have them...just about every flat...or semi flat...surface in the house turns into a Hot Spot. It's the place where things just pile up. Where things are thrown down and collect. Most of mine are the flat places at 4 feet or higher...where the baby can't get to them! ;o) Tops of shelves, top of the pie safe, top of the butcher block. Today we were to spend just two minutes putting out a Hot Spot. The point is to tackle these places often...but for short periods of time. I did get one Hot Spot cleared off, and that is on top of our homeschooling bookshelf in the living room. So now when I receive a Hot Spot fire drill via Twitter I'll check that one first and make sure it stays out...then move on to the next end table back in the corner...where the baby can't get LOL

There are MANY MANY things I will miss when my last baby is no longer a baby...but there are a few I will not miss too ;o) LOL I wouldn't change it for the world though!!

Today I was especially proud of us because it was shop shop day. We got up and out of the house much earlier than we would normally do. Three bags were dropped off to Goodwill...what a wonderful way to start the day...releasing things!! Then we went to Big Lots and picked up two new Lampers. The girls got the biggest kicks out of that...that's exactly what the sticker said...Lamper...part hamper and part laundry basket LOL And someone got paid for that bit of marketing genius...stunning isn't it?? Two of my baskets had cracks in the those are being filled with things to release and will go to Goodwill or the dump depending on what ends up filling them. We also got a couple little hooks that hang over a cabinet door for the dish towels. I'm hoping by having those easily accessible the paper towel usage will be cut back significantly ;o)

Shop shop itself went well. I came in UNDER budget and even got a few things free with the sales and my coupons :o) I bought $12 worth of deodorants for 99 cents...that was fun!

Almost forgot to put breakfast in the crockpot!! I'll take pictures in the morning, we're trying something new...It's a recipe I found here http://http// We bought some apples today and that's the plan for tomorrow. I'm thinking the girls will enjoy it...if it turns out.

Dia Duit :o)

1 comment:

  1. I really like Flylady a lot! I learned so much from her emails & was able to make it work for my house & my schedule.

    Totally transformed how I think of home maintenance too!

    Nice job :)
