I've been contemplating a Blog for awhile now. I have no grand plans for this Blog...what I do plan to do is just share. I will share my crafting adventures, my dehydrating and kitchen adventures, my thoughts on things that matter...and probably some that don't ;) And I will bring you along with me as I try my best to Simply Live Simply.
There are many thoughts I think...which may surprise some...but one of my most often thoughts is about getting back to basics. It seems to be a resounding theme with almost all the women I speak to. We all seem to be feeling overwhelmed, out of time, and floundering around. We're rushing around just trying to get everything done...trying to keep our heads above water. Our lives have become more and more complicated. What we long for is the "Good ol Days"
Jeremiah 6:16
The Lord said: "My people, when you stood at the crossroads, I told you, " Follow the road your ancestors took, and you will find peace."
Most who know me, know that I'm a very litteral person. Black is black, white is white...and I've never really been fond of gray. The only thing I believe without any doubt...with no hesitation or reserve...is my Bible. I don't believe or trust any other thing or person on this earth...everything else is filled with sin and error...some more than others, but all of it none the less. If my Bible says the earth was created in six days and on the seventh...then that's what I believe. If it says the whole earth was covered in a flood...then I don't think it was a local one.
And when I read "Follow the road your ancestors too, and you will find peace" well, I'm going to look for that road! I don't think the good ol days were all that good to tell you the truth. They didn't have cell phones to start...my mothering heart couldn't handle letting my children go without being able to get ahold of them at any given moment. They didn't have all the wonderful servants we do today...they had to wash all the dishes by hand...bleck! They didn't have the WWW where we can gain the wisdom and guidance of the smartest people in the world.
But what they did have was less...less of everything. Less food and food choices, which may not be such a bad thing for some of us. ;) Less distractions...no internet, tv, cellphones, blogs. Less outside commitments...they didn't have six kids in twelves sports, 5 different moms groups, 7 Bible studies, and a book club to fit in each month. Less STUFF...they had less money, and less stuff naturally flowed from that. Less pressure...they weren't barraged with marketting geniuses telling them what they needed to be happy, and not only them but their children as well! They had less of alot of things...and it would be easy to see where we wouldn't want to go back to that.
But they had more as well...more of what is important. They had more dinners where the whole family was around the table. More traditions that brought the family together. More ideas on ways to save and be frugal...because it was a neccesity, not because it was the newest trend. More time in church...God was real and their faith was important. More morals...even those who don't believe had more of an understanding of right and wrong. And they seemed to have more time...time to rest, relax, and enjoy the blessings we've been given.
It's not easy to blend the two worlds sometimes...but I'm determined that it can be done! And this is my attempt to bring you along as I do that. My initial thought was "I wish there was a way I could teach my girls the things that I have learned."
I think one other thing is important for us to listen as well though...and that's Ecclesiastes 7:10 which says "Don't long for the 'good ol days', for you don't know whether they were any better than today." Now I know that seems to go against what the other scripture says...but in truth it doesn't. The point we need to realize is that we can never go back in time. We will never live in Mayberry, we will never be back to the days when the family would gather around the radio on Saturday night (cause it was the only option they had), we will never go back to horse and buggies...well, maybe I shouldn't go quite that far ;) LOL If oil prices go too high we may very well!
The point is that while we're looking for the ancient ways to walk in them...to find REST for our souls...and isn't that what we're all longing for, is just rest...we are to do it while still moving forward. We've lost our way...but we're not going to go back and backtrack over all the mistakes we already made...we're going to keep going...making three lefts and then a right till we get back on track :)
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