I've made certain choices in life...and I believe the right choices. I have decided and purposed in my life that my girls will always come before a clean house. There may be messes and clutter...but if one of my girls wants to climb up in my lap and cuddle there is no way I'm going to tell her I'm too busy or to wait. I have purposed in my life that my husband will come before a clean house. If after working all night to provide for us he wants to sit down for an hour or even two in the morning (my most productive time) and talk with me and just spend time with me...I'm not going to tell him I'm too busy!
I had the great privelage of meeting a woman thru the WWW who made one of the most profound statements that has ever impacted my life. She's gone home to Glory now...but I think of her often and thank God for her. What she said...in a quick little statement that was probably missed by most, was "It all burns." It all Burns...every bit of it. There is nothing in this world more important than my family...everything else can and will burn. Someone else also said "There are only three things that are eternal: God, the Word of God, and the souls of men." Very true indeed!
So as I start my adventure to get things cleaned up around here I must keep it in balance. I'd rather be a mess and have a family that is truely happy and loves each other than a clean house filled with people who are distant and have no connection to each other. On the other hand...I'd REALLY like to have both...a happy family who loves one another AND a clean house :o) I may swing back and forth on the pendulum as I try to figure it out...but I'm hoping the swings will be small and that we'll settle down in the middle before too long.
To help me on my adventure I've decided to look up FlyLady again. I had heard of her years ago...tried it for a bit, and then things ended up back like they were. I obviously wasn't ready. I'm sure I had good excuses too. But the fact is I need someone to hold my hand at this point. I don't have the time or energy to re-invent the wheel. I want something that will work, that I can fit into my life, and that will help me train my girls so that they never have to go thru what I am going thru.
The website is http://www.flylady.net/ I encourage you to go and check her out...it's amazing how well she knows me and how my house is without ever having been here. It's completely free...you don't have to buy a thing. God has certainly blessed this woman.

The first step is to shine your sink. She must know how I HATE the sink...I could do without the whole kitchen honestly. But it is what it is...and sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. So I shined my sink...well as shiney as it would get anyway. I've got to say...there IS a sense of pride and satisfaction. It was lovely to wake up this morning to a clean sink. Please excuse the poor picture quality...I took it with my cell phone for speed...I'll grab the camera next time.
So Day 1 is done...on to Day 2. Getting dressed to shoes. I'm not much fonder of this step...I'd like to just hang out in my comfy clothes and bare feet. But I'll suck it up...I'll do it...I'll trust in the process. It helps that I have to leave ;o) I'm on my way to pick up a shelving unit that we will be redoing...another adventure for another blog!!
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